Communicating with Respect, 2018
Group and individual Workforce Development and Public Speaking programs for young adults and youth!
Communicating and Speaking Workshop with the Girl Scouts in Peters Township, May 2017.
Communication 2016
To schedule, please fill out the form below, and you will be contacted within 24-hours.
Leadership Training, RMU 2019
Available January 2020!
Teen Leadership Development How to Effectively Communicate Resume Writing and Interview Preparation When Companies Cyber-Vet: How It Can Hurt You
What, How, and Why
Avonworth High School, 2019
Both Available on Amazon:
It's Your Job is a "how-to" about making positive first impressions, image, branding, and creating resumes. It is a great quick read to get you started.
Defining Young Leaders, The 90% they don't see is an action-plan book that walks the younger generation into being leaders through self-awareness, DiSC, and committing beyond a comfort zone.
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Ethics2Talk, LLC
Strategies and Solutions for Better Communication Outcomes